As I was sitting in a conference listening to Kim Robinson speak this past October, I had no idea I was about to be whisked away into a vision. Surprisingly, this encounter would jump right back into a powerful dream I had four years ago…
I saw Jesus standing out on a body of water; his blue eyes seemed to be merrily dancing along with the movements of the waves. With both hands beckoning, he invited me to step out onto it with him. As I did, we joined hands facing each other and shared a comforting hug. Suddenly, we began water skiing across the water as it narrowed down into a river. This beautiful river flowed right up to the shores of a crystal castle. We came skidding into the bottom floor of the palace, as if running late, a laughable reminder of God’s wink at my habitual tardiness.
We began to walk through this first room, and I noticed the floor tiles were of an alternating, black and white, checkerboard pattern. I saw portraits of our ancestors covering the rounded walls, ascending all the way up to the ceiling. The portraits began to be connected by laser lines, one to another to another to another, until the chain connected down to me.
We then headed into the next room, which appeared to be a garden room of sorts. There were green vines bursting out of every wall, with various kinds of fruit growing on them. The greenery appeared to have spread under the building from the tree just outside. Jesus encouraged me to take a bite of a large, glowing orange. This immediately brought me a strong sense of refreshing and rejuvenation.
Finally, we walked into a golden, translucent room. Before I knew what was happening, Jesus began transforming me. The process was reminiscent of the fairy godmother scene in Cinderella. I looked down and saw the most stunning dress: it was made of thousands of golden, reflective tiles that were immaculately sewn together. It was if they moved independently, but also together at the same time. My hair was swept into a half-updo with golden threads woven throughout. There were golden sparkles scattered all over my face, similar to the gold dust foreshadowing we see even now during times of anointed worship.
In this moment, it dawned on me that I was seeing an updated picture of the Bride of Christ, which was now in stark contrast to the disheveled one I had seen previously in 2020. (Here is the link to that dream – The Wedding Party.) The Bride had come a long way over the last four years, and the shift had been a glorious one. I then began to take in the rest of the room. The wedding guests were at rapt attention, as it seemed the preparations were almost ready. The wedding party was excited and expectant, looking at the Bride and Bridegroom.
Jesus turned to me for one final moment, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, before leaving to head to his place at the altar. After he left, I saw the King’s enormous throne at the far end of the room. He was beaming as he practically jumped up off his throne and headed toward me. As he drew closer, he smiled joyously and said, “Let me see you!” He began to twirl me around and around just like any proud Father would on his daughter’s wedding day. That was where the vision ended, at least for now.
There is much to unpack here, and I expect to do so in the coming days. The most obvious take-away from what I saw is that the Bride has in-fact made herself ready for her wedding day. Additionally, the guests and attendants were also in a much healthier place for the wedding to commence. Immediately, I began to think. Wow, could we really be here? Are we on the verge of the return of Christ and the wedding feast of the Lamb?
Clearly we are living in the last of the last days. Still I’m not one to champion the “Jesus is coming back soon” line very often, because I’ve found it seems to make people unfocused on the day at hand. However, could it be that the Lord wanted us to see how far the Bride has come for other reasons? Perhaps this vision was not so we would pine away for Him to come and rescue us as soon as possible. Instead, I would suggest this vision was for us to receive confidence in our identity, knowing we are now ready to rule and reign with him.
As I ruminated on these thoughts, I shared them with a prophetic friend. Within weeks, I was staying over at her home during a trip. She was watching her pastor on the live stream and yelled at me to come and watch. Her pastor, Tracy Eckert of Storehouse Church Dallas, was prophesying: “I’m moving from a place of partnership with my people, to a place of companionship. You’re going to feel my whisper. You’re going to feel my breath in your ear. These experiences are going to be so real to you. You are the Bride made ready. You are the Bride, and she’s never existed on the earth before now. You are the Bride. You are the Bride. And you have made yourself ready. Thank you, thank you for running to me in the hour of trouble. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. You will begin to destroy darkness with a whisper.” My jaw dropped to the floor while I listened and received this confirming message. Indeed, I’m not the only one seeing or hearing these thoughts, and that’s a great place to be.
The last few years have been challenging to say the least, as we have all been brought to the end of ourselves in one way or another. Yet what a work this time has done! I would venture to say we’re on the edge of breakthrough into a new era of authority and influence, but not because we prayed and begged for Him to come and fix it all for us. Rather, we have surrendered completely, owned our baggage, worked through the muck, and chosen to get active in the Kingdom work transpiring here. And I believe God wants us to know the depths of this process, to see how incredibly far we’ve come, to grasp the immensity of the progress and the transformation. Only in seeing ourselves the way He does will we be willing to take on the greater works that are just around the corner.
Much love, my friends! Please let me know your thoughts and any additional interpretations in the comments below.